
My name is Barry Tubbs, and I was once an agnostic who believed that God would leave me alone. But one life-changing night, the Lord made His presence known to me with a clear message: ‘You have an opportunity here. It’s either my way or your way.’ That divine encounter transformed my life—I gave my life to Jesus, became born-again, and now serve as an Associate Minister with Kenneth Copeland Ministries. My testimony stands as a testament to the power of faith and the transformative grace of God in turning an unbeliever into a committed follower of Christ.

Time Chapters
  • 22:00 Divine Encounter
  • 35:00 Transformation & Partnership

—————– Original Video ————————

Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) Partners Barry and Sue Tubbs know just how beneficial partnership can be. Barry is on staff as an Associate Minister, and Sue has served the ministry and Eagle Mountain International Church (EMIC), which is located on the grounds of the ministry, for more than 36 years. In all the time that they have been a part of the ministry, they’ve seen time and again how the Lord works through Partnership. They can attest that their lives and the lives of their family have changed because of it.

When the Tubbs were first married over 50 years ago, Barry was an agnostic. To his way of thinking, God could leave him alone, and he’d leave God alone. But God—and Sue—had other ideas. Sue, a born-again Christian, and her mother began to pray for Barry. They prayed so much that Barry even faked an alter call experience to get them off his back. But later that night, God got his attention.

The Lord appeared to Barry and said, “You have an opportunity here. It’s either my way, or your way…but there will be no more opportunities.”

Barry couldn’t resist the truth any more. He gave his life to the Lord right there. Then Sue’s mother took Barry to a Kenneth Copeland Ministries meeting where Brother Copeland talked about what it meant to be a Christian. Barry listened as Brother Copeland said that Christians could be prosperous, healed and have peace. It was life-changing. The Tubbs became Partners and eventually moved to Fort Worth, Texas, to join the ministry.

“I don’t see how people can [live successfully without the Lord].” Barry says. “I don’t think [you] can do it without having Jesus at the center of your life and knowing what your rights and privileges are as a born-again child of God.”

Watch Barry and Sue Tubbs’ testimony and learn how Partnership with Kenneth Copeland Ministries has made a significant impact on their lives.

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