
We are Walt and Annie, and our journey of struggling with infertility spanned over 20 years. From a young age, we sought guidance and prayed fervently for a child. Despite the challenges and heartaches, our faith in Jesus Christ never wavered. After years of trying, we decided to pursue adoption, trusting that God had a beautiful story planned for us. When we finally met Allison, the birth mother, and welcomed Chloe into our lives, we experienced a miracle that reinforced our belief in God’s unwavering love and provision. Our story is a testament to the power of faith, prayer, and trusting in God’s perfect timing.

Time Chapters

—————– Original Video ————————

For years, Walt and Annie struggled with infertility. But in one single moment they realized that God was writing a beautiful story for them that was over 20 years in the making.

Everyone has a personal story. It might be that you’re struggling with infertility and all its consequences. It feels like it defines who you are and the course of your life. What’s your story?

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This video is a part of a series called “Personal Stories” where people are open about life-changing moments and the struggles that came along.

Thank you for watching and connecting with us!

PS: when commenting, please treat people just as you would like them to treat you! ♥

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