Fear of Death – Sally’s Testimony – With You Program
Sally was raised in a Christian family. She lost her father when she was a child, and her mother was pious. She used to visit the cemetery with her mother, which made her afraid of death and sparked questions within her about God and life. The circumstances were difficult due to wars and air raids. Fear overwhelmed them, especially in the shelters, and they witnessed many unfortunate events and deaths. She kept herself busy with drawing and decorating magazines, then she studied at the College of Fine Arts. She got married, and their financial situation was modest. The decision to get married was difficult for the family because the family wanted to travel outside of Iraq. After her marriage, her family moved to Jordan. Her husband went to the military, and she lived in fear and anxiety as she was pregnant at that time. After giving birth, her mother traveled, and she experienced times of loneliness away from her family.
She began to hold meetings with girls who were also isolated from their families and desired to study theology. She moved to Jordan and reunited with her family. They traveled to Lebanon, where they were students and worked at the same time. They had a child. Life was difficult with studying, having a child, and working. Her husband faced a situation where he almost died, and she learned that death is always present, not just because of war. In college, she created a program with the elderly and visited them, learning that the Lord is capable of bringing beautiful things out of difficult circumstances. She went through a tough time after giving birth and her child being hospitalized, learning that all things work for good. The Lord permits trials, but He always provides compensation. She learned that pain and hardship are not only from war, as they were not harmed in the war, but her son was injured in an incident at home from broken glass. She learned that war or explosions are not the end of life.
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