Proverbs 16:20 states: “Whoever trusts in the Lord, happy is he.”
I don’t know about you, but I want to live the happiest life possible. And that is very difficult to do sometimes. OFTEN-TIMES for many people. So … it makes all the sense in the world that we are doing ourselves a HUGE favor about gaining all the insight/s we can get from God in how we can best be going about trusting the Lord to where it’s PRODUCTIVE and most importantly – God glorifying.
And if my trusting God makes HIM happy, then I’ve learned He’s more inclined to point me down a path of happiness that has “JOY guardrails” on both sides of it.
Galatians 5:22 tells us that JOY is one of 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit He desires to grow in followers of Jesus Christ. If we’re honest with ourselves, if we struggle with trusting the Lord … there is very little joy in our lives.
And when there’s very little joy in our lives, there’s very little peace. And when there’s very little peace, our relationship with God can get pretty ROCKY.
So WHAT SAY we make it our daily goal of asking and TRUSTING God to reveal to each of us HOW to trust Him more wisely moving forward? (Bro. Norm)
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