Orthodox Rabbi Puts His Faith In Jesus
Rabbi Aaron Allsbrook shares his full conversion journey—from being an ordained Orthodox rabbi deeply rooted in traditional Judaism to discovering the truth about Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah. Growing up and serving in various roles within the Jewish community, he eventually began questioning long-held beliefs. Through extensive personal study, debate, and introspection, he embraced Jesus as his Savior. Today, as the full-time rabbi of Ohev Yisrael in Washington, DC, he teaches that true Jewish identity is not lost by following Jesus; rather, it is fulfilled and enriched by it. His testimony inspires others to explore the deeper connection between Jewish tradition and the gospel of Jesus.
Rabbi Aaron Allsbrook Pages: Website
Time Chapters
- 03:00 Host & Rabbi Introduction
- 06:00 Messianic Jewish Identity
- 09:00 Transition from Orthodoxy
- 12:00 Online Search & Debate
- 15:00 Journey of Conversion
- 18:00 Deep Faith Reflection
- 21:00 Embracing Jewish Identity
- 24:00 Traditions & Future Hope
- 27:00 Final Call & Encouragement
—————– Source —————–
We invite you to join us for Conversations with Jewish Believers in Jesus, hosted by Jeff Morgan. In this FULL episode, Jeff talks with Rabbi Aaron Allsbrook.
Born and raised in Southern California, Rabbi Aaron Allsbrook spent years pursuing Orthodox Judaism, including getting ordained as an Orthodox rabbi. When he discovered the truth about Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah, following him became a central aspect of Allsbrook’s Judaism and his life. He has since served as a special education teacher and an assistant rabbi at a Messianic synagogue on Long Island. After several years of serving in this capacity, he became the full-time rabbi of Ohev Yisrael in Washington, DC.
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