What the Angel Gabriel Told Me Will Amaze You!
I, Katie Souza, recount my miraculous visitation from the angels Michael and Gabriel. In my testimony, I experienced a powerful vision in Ponca City, Oklahoma, which led me to a divine calling for prison ministry. Through divine scripture and an overwhelming display of God’s love, I was reassured of His guidance and strength. I give all glory to Jesus Christ for this transformative intervention that has empowered me to minister and witness God’s miracles in the lives of many.
Katie Souza Pages:
Time Chapters
- 11:00 Vision in Ponca City
- 46:00 Church Visit & Doubt
- 01:18:00 TV & Green Room Encounter
- 01:54:00 Lunch & Scripture Reveal
- 05:00:00 Prison Ministry Calling
—————– Original Video —————–
Katie Souza was visited by the angel Gabriel. What he told her will amaze you!
▶▶Be Revived, Speak Life & The Power of Communion [Book & CDs]: http://bit.ly/37wPv1h
Katie Souza says there really is a fountain of youth. It’s in your Bible.
Out of her own health challenges, Katie made the choice to search out life-giving promises in the Word of God. She says the Bible’s youth-restoring promises are ours. Yours to run faster, serve stronger, last longer. They are for this generation, now!
Her new book, Be Revived, has plenty of wisdom. And among her favorite weapons?
• The power of communion (with it, Katie was healed of cancer)
• Abiding in the Presence of the Spirit
• Taking charge of your atmosphere
• Partnering with healing angels
Katie will also walk it out with you. With music by Janie DuVall, her 2-CD soaking/declarations series, Speak Life, and its companion CD, The Power of Communion, are tools you will need for your own journey.
Katie Souza believed God for more, not less, to the point she even skipped cosmetic surgery and costly procedures! Too many believers are running on fumes, she says, when the answer is just a promise of God away.
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