My Abortion Testimony – Jesus healed me
I want to share my personal abortion testimony, a journey filled with deep pain, guilt, and the overwhelming weight of regret. Before coming to Christ, I underwent two abortions which left me emotionally devastated and burdened with shame. In the midst of this darkness, Jesus reached out with His love, forgiveness, and healing. He delivered me from my past, replaced my sorrow with hope, and transformed my life. Now, I live to testify that no matter how heavy your burdens may be, Jesus can renew you and give you beauty for ashes.
—————– Original Video —————–
I discuss a very personal, honest topic, concerning my abortion and the healing that Jesus gave me. I share how Jesus set me free from guilt and shame and gave me Beauty for Ashes. I discuss how abortion isn’t really talked about in the Church and I give tips on how I overcame this hard time and came to be pro-life.
Jesus set me free from pain, shame and guilt through His love and mercy. He has cleaned me up and delivered me out of darkness by His love, grace and mercy!
This video is dedicated to helping other women who have had abortions. The Lord laid on my heart that He wanted me to share my testimony of how I got pregnant, why I decided to have an abortion, and how I found healing from the Lord. This is the most painful experience in my life, and I never shared my story until now.
If you are a woman who has had an abortion before, Jesus wants to heal those wounds in your life. God loves you deeply, He longs for your heart, and He desires that you would be made whole again.
If you’d like to join my Beauty for Ashes Healing and Deliverance Coaching Program, you can join by clicking here:
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