UNBELIEVABLE! Jewish Woman Hears God’s Voice While Being Revived | Moriel’s Testimony
Hi, I’m Moriel. I was deeply involved in the party scene in Tel Aviv, indulging in drugs and alcohol. One night, I was drugged and passed out with a dangerously low heartbeat. As the ambulance tried to revive me, I heard a clear voice saying, ‘You are not done here.’ This divine encounter saved my life and transformed me. I realized I needed to turn away from my destructive lifestyle and embrace a personal relationship with Jesus. Over time, I cut off old friendships and dedicated my life to faith in Yeshua. Today, I live in Munich, Germany, as a mother and wife, serving Jesus and sharing my testimony to inspire others to find forgiveness, healing, and new life through Him.
Time Chapters
- 02:22 Party and Drugging
- 07:50 Near-Death Experience
- 44:34 Hearing God’s Voice
- 01:38:22 Embracing Faith
- 05:01:25 Overcoming Addiction
- 07:03:18 Life Transformation
- 10:14:58 Current Life
—————– Original Video ————————
This is the powerful testimony of a Jewish woman who was deeply entrenched in the party scene. She found herself caught up in a world of drugs and alcohol that led her down a path of destruction. One night, while at a party, she was drugged and found herself in a dangerous and vulnerable situation.
In the midst of this turmoil, she heard God call out to her. This experience marked the beginning of a powerful transformation in her life. She left the party scene and turned away from her former lifestyle, embracing a new life of faith and hope.
Through this experience, she discovered the power of God’s love and the hope that comes from a relationship with Jesus Yeshua Her testimony is a powerful reminder that no matter what we’ve done or where we’ve been, we can always turn to Jesus for forgiveness, healing, and new life.
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