
I used to live a chaotic life—drugs, violence, and broken relationships defined my days. I was a train wreck from a young age, caught up in selling drugs, fighting, and facing the consequences of my actions. One day, after a violent outburst and a terrifying brush with jail, something in me broke. In the quiet of my car, I pleaded with Jesus to come into my heart and save me from myself. That desperate prayer transformed my life. With the help of a caring campus pastor and a welcoming church community at LCBC, I began to rebuild. Today, my life is forever changed by Christ. I now strive to save my daughter from the life I once led, testifying that no one is too far gone for Jesus to redeem.

Time Chapters
  • 00:30 Childhood & Rebellion
  • 03:10 Violence & Arrest
  • 04:30 Begging Jesus
  • 06:00 Church Transformation
  • 07:15 Life Redeemed

—————– Original Video —————–

Drugs, abuse, violence—Kelly’s lifestyle was full of factors that led to her calling herself a “train wreck.” But she was never too far gone to experience life change.