From Legalism to a Relationship with Jesus: One Woman’s Story
My name is Glenda Kyle and I grew up attending church every Sunday, yet for many years I only learned the rules and knowledge of Christianity without experiencing a true, personal relationship with Jesus. I eventually realized that living for the Lord isn’t about legalism but about embracing His unconditional grace and guidance. Discovering Kenneth Copeland Ministries helped me break free from mere tradition and step into a transformative relationship with Jesus. Today, I enjoy a deep, intimate connection with Him that has restored and renewed my spirit.
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Glenda Kyle had been a Christian since she was a child, but it wasn’t until she was adult that she understood what it was to have a relationship with Jesus. Until then, she had thought a relationship with Jesus was about rules—Do this. Don’t do that.
“I had a real heart for the Lord, but I didn’t know how to really live for Him,” she says. “I wasn’t taught that. I learned knowledge. I didn’t learn relationship. There’s a huge, huge difference there.”
She spent years serving the Lord without knowing that Jesus could be part of her life on a daily basis, that her relationship with Jesus could be personal and that the Holy Spirit would speak to her and direct her moment by moment.
That changed when she discovered Kenneth Copeland Ministries. She learned through that ministry that God’s grace abounds for the Christian believer and that she doesn’t have to be concerned that she’s falling short in God’s eyes. Instead, she can be confident knowing that God’s love is unconditional and that His Holy Spirit will guide, direct and comfort her.
When she discovered that Kenneth Copeland Ministries was producing a ROKU channel, she convinced her husband they had to get one. Now, Glenda and her husband can access Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ teaching 24-hours a day. They begin their day together with the Word of God and love every minute of it. It has changed their lives for the better. Watch Glenda Kyle’s testimony and hear how Kenneth Copeland Ministries taught her how to develop a relationship with Jesus. Don’t miss it!
Wondering how you can have a relationship with Jesus? Find out here:
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