KCM Partner Testimony: Saved From Harm on a Road Trip
My name is Rob Madras and I am with Cindy Whitis. We live in Round Rock, Texas. During a road trip from Austin, while listening to inspirational messages, we heard a clear prompt from the Holy Spirit telling us to back off from a truck pulling a trailer. Obeying that divine guidance, we avoided a dangerous accident when a piece of wood detached and nearly struck us. This experience reinforced our belief in the power of faith and God’s positioning, and we remain grateful for His protection.
Time Chapters
- 01:30 Holy Spirit Warning
- 03:00 Miraculous Save & Praise
—————– Original Video ————————
Is God talking to you?
Listening to His still, small voice will keep you safe!
Watch this testimony from Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) Partners Rob Mundras and Cindy Whitis and find out how listening to a subtle prompting from the Holy Spirit on a road trip saved them from harm’s way, not once, but twice!
Learn how you can improve your ability to hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit here:
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