
I am Matthew McIntyre, a 60-year-old follower of Christ, a father, grandfather, and business owner who experienced a profound transformation. A year ago, I was on my deathbed, suffering from extreme physical, emotional, and financial crises. Through the power of faith and the healing touch of Jesus—as exemplified by the biblical account of the paralytic man—my life was miraculously restored. Today, I stand as living proof that no matter how deep the despair, God can bring about a turnaround, renewing your strength, health, and prosperity. My journey is a testament to the transformative power of God’s intervention.

Time Chapters
  • 01:05 Near-Death Awakening
  • 12:00 Miraculous Healing
  • 16:00 Final Call to Faith

—————– Original Video —————–

Matt shares his transformative journey from the brink of death, where he battled physical, emotional, and financial crises, to a miraculous turnaround. Through divine intervention and the support of others, Matt’s story exemplifies the power of faith.

One Sows Another Reaps