Original testimony:
End-time deception is all around us and GROWING. Jesus told us it was going to be coming. In reading Matthew Chapter 24, some disciples were curious about the end times, asking Jesus what would be the signs of the end times leading up to His return back to earth. TAKE CAREFUL NOTE OF THE VERY FIRST THING JESUS WARNS ABOUT IN MATTHEW 24:5: “Take heed that no one DECEIVES you.”
Terry James from the Rapture website has this to say about end-times and I believe it deserves additional exposure to the masses:
When Jesus gave the following answer: “Take heed that no man deceive you, For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many” (Matt. 24:4-5) – Jesus gave “deception” as the first major sign that will alert the spiritually attuned believer that His second coming is near. Jesus, as recorded a few verses later, amplified His words on “deception” that would be manifest at the very end of the age:
“And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many” (Matt. 24:11).
The Lord begins by saying that many will come in His name. This means, I think, that these end-times deceivers will claim to come as true believers in Jesus Christ. They will use His holy name to convince the undiscerning that the individuals making the claim are of the Church, the body of Christ.
These are those who will be among the individuals Jesus condemned, as recorded in the following Scripture: “But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all [ye] workers of iniquity” (Lk. 13:27).
(PT Insert: Think Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses, for starters).
“However, this prophecy that Jesus gave as the first sign of the very end of the age goes, I’m convinced, MUCH DEEPER. These deceivers will be declaring that they, themselves, will be Christ-LIKE, not in the sense of being a true Christian who is a Spirit-filled follower of Jesus Christ, but in the sense that they have powers and abilities like Jesus Himself. They will claim to be the special conduit from God, used by the Almighty to read minds, receive special telepathic words from Him upon command, and even to raise the dead. But, it will all be deceptively demonic smoke and mirrors.” – (Terry James)
A final thought: Many people are seeking supernatural “signs and wonders” in accordance with: ( and be assured Satan is going to feed on this right up to the manifestation of the anti-christ upon the world scene. He’ll provide counterfeit “signs and wonders” under the banner of “christ followers” and/or “truth followers” and when TRUE Christians attempt to expose them as NOT from the Holy Spirit but the work of Satan and demons, spiritual confusion will increase for new believers in Jesus Christ.
Put your SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT helmet on, saints, and never take it off. The spiritual battle intensifies. Just because something appears to be “supernatural” doesn’t mean it’s from God … but the GREATEST supernatural manifestation from God is the spiritual rebirth of a spiritually blind person headed to hell. The Bible tells us what the angels of God in heaven do when just ONE soul becomes truly Saved: THEY REJOICE WITH THE FATHER AND JESUS AND THE HOLY SPIRIT! (See: Luke 15:10)
Afterall – What can God do throughout eternity with a lost soul saved from their sins? There is UNLIMITED POTENTIAL, isn’t there? But every soul who ends up in hell because they refused the FREE gift of eternal Salvation in Jesus Christ … they will be nothing but wasted creations. Their potential through eternity will have died. The regret they’ll have will never cease.
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