
I was 35 and facing a dire medical crisis with an enlarged heart, blocked arteries, and only a 10% chance to survive. In a moment of desperation, God intervened by orchestrating a healing meeting where I experienced an overwhelming outpouring of His love and a miraculous healing that restored my heart. Encountering Jesus personally transformed my fear into unwavering faith, and this life-changing event led me into ministry so that I might share this testimony and inspire others to trust in Jesus for true healing and salvation.

Time Chapters
  • 01:18 Healing Meeting Call
  • 02:03 Miraculous Healing
  • 07:13 Near Death Experience
  • 08:11 Healing Confirmed
  • 09:12 Called into Ministry
  • 10:12 Email Testimony Insight
  • 31:04 Final Call to Witness

—————– Original Video —————–

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