
My name is Chris Garcia and I want to share my testimony with you. When I was a young kid, I suffered deep oppression and depression, even facing suicidal thoughts after the loss of my grandmother. In the midst of my pain and anger toward God, I experienced terrifying attacks by a very large demon in my room. I remember being paralyzed by fear—unable to move as the demon pressed against me. In a moment of sheer desperation, I cried out the name of Jesus. Even though I couldn’t finish saying it, that single reverberation changed everything. The demon fled and I later came to understand that the name of Jesus holds extraordinary power. That day, on March 3rd, 2006, I gave my life to the Lord. Now, I share my journey so that anyone oppressed or tormented may know that deliverance is available through Jesus.

Chris Garcia Pages:

Time Chapters
  • 00:40 Early Demon Attack
  • 02:00 Desperate Cry for Jesus
  • 07:00 Realizing Jesus’ Power

—————– Original Video —————–

@ChrisGarcia. was being tormented by a demon at night until he said this…