
I went to my rabbi asking how to know God and was harshly dismissed. Growing up in a conservative Jewish environment, I felt a deep emptiness and longed for a genuine connection with God. A pivotal moment came when a student asked me about Jesus, sparking a journey into the New Testament. As I studied the scriptures, I discovered that Jesus, or Yeshua, fulfilled the prophecies and offered the relationship with God I was seeking. This realization transformed my life, bridging my Jewish heritage with my newfound faith in Yeshua, and I embraced Him wholeheartedly despite the challenges with my family and community.

Time Chapters
  • 01:27 Student asks about Jesus
  • 02:00 Beginning Bible study and conversion

—————– Original Video ————————

“Rabbi, how can I know God?” Johnathan’s question was met with a whack on the head and an accusation of blasphemy. What he did not know then was that God would answer his question years later—and Johnathan would be faced with a tough decision.

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