KCM Partner Shauna Dougless Shares Her Adoption Story
I share my adoption story. Although adoption wasn’t part of our original plan, I recognized it as a call of the Lord. When my two beautiful girls arrived with troubled pasts, I set aside distractions and focused on God’s Word—declaring His truth and worshiping with them. That intense season of emotional and spiritual healing transformed our family. Today, our adoption journey continues as we grow together in the knowledge of who we are in Christ.
Time Chapters
- 02:00 Healing and Adjustment
- 04:00 Family Transformation
—————– Original Video ————————
Although adoption was not part of KCM Partners’ Hal and Shauna Dougless’ plan, it was a part of God’s plan for their family, and in this video, Shauna shares their adoption story. She refers to adoption as “a call of the Lord” and admits that He was with her throughout their experience. The two little girls that the Lord brought to them had experienced rough beginnings. While Shauna wasn’t sure how to handle the situation, God was, and His Holy Spirit led her moment by moment through the initial weeks of their adoption.
Shauna has learned “to believe God, to believe that He’s a good God. He wants to heal us. He wants to deliver us. He wants to free us. He wants us to walk in His goodness.”
When the girls first arrived in her home, Shauna set aside time to spend with the girls, removed from social media and friends. She knew that she needed to focus on the Lord and on her new daughters. That season was an intense time of emotional and spiritual healing for the girls, but Shauna admits, “The Lord was so strong on me… I’ve never encountered anything like it.”
Shauna did two things in particular during that initial season. One, she only spoke God’s truth about her daughters. She relied on God’s Word to show her what that truth was and refused to speak anything contrary to it. And two, she worshiped God with the girls. Those two steps changed their lives.
Today, Shauna and her family’s adoption story isn’t over. They continue to grow—together as a family and in the knowledge of who they are in Christ.
If you want to know more about what God’s Word says about you or your children, visit kcm.org. There’s you’ll learn about salvation, faith, healing and more.
How to Pass the Baton of Faith to the Next Generation: http://blog.kcm.org/pass-baton-faith-next-generation/
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