Donna Magrath Talking About Her Encounter With Jesus
This video features my mother, Donna Magrath, recounting the extraordinary encounter she had with Jesus in 1976. At the age of 43, while we visited her in San Leandro, California, she experienced a powerful, life-changing moment where Jesus made His presence known to her through a direct and personal vision. Recorded when she was 77, this testimony stands as a timeless reminder of God’s ability to comfort, heal, and transform lives.
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This is a video of my mother, Donna Magrath, talking about an encounter she had with Jesus in 1976. She was 43 at the time. I was 22. My brother was 19. She told us about the experience when we arrived to visit her in San Leandro, California. I wanted to get this recorded while she was still here to tell the tale. She was 77 when this was recorded.
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