The Lord found me; I did not find the Lord. I suffered from whooping cough in my childhood, and due to my mother leaving home because of conflicts and not keeping up with my medication, my health was greatly affected. I always blamed my mother. After I believed in the Lord Jesus, I forgave her, and my feelings changed. I thought my children would support me in the future, but that did not happen, and I pray for them to know the Lord. I was diagnosed with cancer, and everyone prayed for me. I prayed and saw the Lord Jesus with me during the surgery, and the tests showed that I had been healed.
There was a fire in the house that started in the kitchen, but because the house was insured, I was able to pay off my debts. I don’t feel the love of my children and feel lonely, but in the midst of this, I feel the love of the Lord, and I still pray for my children. I feel the love and care of the believers around me. A mother or father always needs the Lord’s help in their families.

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