
This is my story of healing from bipolar disorder. For as long as I can remember, I yearned to know more about God and understand His plans for me. My spiritual journey took me through New Age practices—yoga, meditating on visions, and even questioning if Jesus was merely an ascended master. I eventually became so self-reliant that I lost sight of the true God. My mind began to disintegrate, and my behavior led to repeated hospitalizations and a crisis of mental health. Through the intervention of my husband, pastor, and the healing power of Scripture, I immersed myself in God’s Word and began to experience genuine encounters with the Holy Spirit. Slowly, the heavy darkness lifted, and I was set free from the lies that once broke my mind. By surrendering my identity to Him, I not only weaned myself off medication but also experienced restoration and deliverance—a transformation that I now testify is the work of Jesus alone.

Time Chapters
  • 01:26 Crisis & Hospitalization
  • 02:04 Scriptural Breakthrough
  • 02:23 Healing & Deliverance

—————– Source —————–

Original Channel

This is my story of how I lost Jesus but he never lost me.
(English – check my channel for Spanish version)