
I misplaced my credit card and searched everywhere without success. Frustrated, I prayed alone but still couldn’t find it. Finally, my wife and I prayed together in agreement, trusting the Holy Spirit to show us its location. To our surprise, I discovered the card tucked among plastic bags I had already checked. This simple yet powerful moment reminded me that God hears when we come before Him in unity and faith, even for something as small as a lost credit card. My experience underscores the wisdom of asking God and believing He will guide us in the most practical areas of our lives.

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THE PRAYER OF FAITH is spoken of in James 5:15.

I believe Mark 11:22-24 is to work in conjunction with James 5:15 and vice versa. BELIEVING that God IS going to grant what you are asking Him for is KEY in BOTH passages of scripture.

I don’t believe either passage of scripture is a “magic formula” to get out of God what a person might like to get from Him every time they pray about a matter … but it certainly is PRICELESS in understanding the means in which God wants us praying for certain things and certain times. ASKING and TRUSTING or BELIEVING is critical when using “The Prayer Of Faith” to see positive results.

Anyone can ASK God for whatever. TRUSTING can be the more “challenging” part. But we must be VERY WISE in what we’re trusting Him for in my opinion.

I’ve seen people praying the prayer of faith for unsaved loved ones and never see that person get saved [BUT NEVER STOP PRAYING FOR THAT PERSON! GOD NEEDS OUR PRAYERS FOR UNSAVED LOVED ONES!] I’ve seen estranged spouses asking and believing that God is going to bring back a wayward spouse … only to NEVER see it realized.

We must be EXTREMELY careful in praying the prayer of faith when it is OUR will trying to override what God knows is ALWAYS BEST for us, in every difficult situation, if His will is different than ours.

Personally, I like going to God in prayer and asking Him FIRST what His will is in a given matter before just launching the prayer of faith. (Especially when it comes to physical healing. James 5:14-16 makes it sound “easy” to have God heal someone physically, but experience teaches that isn’t always the case. More and more, God wants sick people seeking Him for wisdom in changing their diet to get healed physically — and/or doing more proper exercise – and/or getting off certain substances that are known hazards [Uhhh-POISONS!] to the body).

It’s much easier to pray the prayer of faith having HIGH CONFIDENCE that you are CONVINCED what God’s will IS in any given matter you are about to pray about.

Satan LOVES to try to help destroy our prayer lives (confidence) by our believing God for things he knows God most likely isn’t going to grant, so be very WISE praying the prayer of faith. Conversely, God wants us to become more and more confident in our prayer lives, and it is VITAL that we ever seek Him for wisdom in praying WISER.