
I grew up in a successful Jewish family but felt empty inside. I turned to drugs to cope and wrestled with depression to the point of feeling suicidal. Then I heard Yeshua’s words in the parable of the prodigal son, and it changed my life instantly. As I read more of the New Testament, I felt overwhelming peace and love take the place of my despair. I realized God truly loved me, and through Yeshua, I could be reconciled to Him. My depression lifted, and I stopped wanting to end my life. Now, I owe everything to Jesus for giving me real hope and showing me true love.

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Tuvia grew up in a successful family, but his life felt empty. He used drugs as a way to cope with his pain. When his friend invited him to a Bible study, he was hesitant—but when he heard Yeshua’s story of the prodigal son, his life was instantly changed!

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