
My name is Arturo, and this is my story of redemption and freedom through Christ. Born into a difficult situation, I experienced abuse and neglect throughout my early years. Struggling with identity and substance addiction, I sought solace in destructive behaviors, including drug use and a lifestyle filled with immorality. It wasn’t until a friend invited me to church that I found the truth I had been searching for. Through Jesus Christ, I experienced salvation, healing from my past, and restoration of my identity. Now, after over 40 years as a believer, I continue to walk in the peace and joy of knowing Christ. His presence has transformed my life, and I testify to His unwavering love and forgiveness.

—————– Original Video ————————

La Historia de Arturo: Testimonio de Superación Frente al Abuso y Tiempos Difíciles

En esta videos veremos la historia de Arturo, el cual nos cuenta la historia de su vida desde sus primeros años hasta la actualidad.

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