
Hi, my name is Chazden Strickland. I want to share how an angel came to me with an unexpected and urgent message that transformed my understanding of God’s presence. I grew up in church and, after a period of backsliding, my mom and I returned to church. At that moment, I was overwhelmed by a divine encounter; I felt a supernatural drawing and the presence of God in a way I had never experienced before. This encounter filled me with a renewed passion for worship and a deep assurance that God is actively intervening in our lives. I share my testimony to encourage you to be open to God’s interventions and to trust that He is always at work, protecting and guiding us.

Time Chapters
  • 00:08 Return to Church Experience
  • 00:39 Urgent Angelic Message

—————– Original Video —————–

Hear powerful and timely messages from Heaven’s messengers that will transform and uplift you.

#ISN #SupernaturalStories #Angels