Supernatural Faith Over Calif. Fires! Ayres Testimony
I am Mel Ayres, and together with my wife Desiree, I share our incredible experience during the Woolsey Fire. We were living in Calabasas when we woke up to find the hills shrouded in smoke and raging fires in the distance. Trusting in the blood of Jesus, I boldly declared, ‘God, this is my home. You gave it to me, and I’m not giving it up!’ I exercised the authority given to me by Jesus and bound the devil, and the fire stopped just short of our property. Four days later, we returned to a home untouched by flames—not a single blade of grass was harmed. I testify solely to Jesus’ power and grace in performing this miracle of protection, which has forever strengthened my faith.
Time Chapters
- 11:00 Fires Cover the Hills
- 22:00 Mel Exerts Authority
- 38:00 Return: Home Unscathed
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KCM Partners Mel and Desiree Ayres have been pastoring In His Presence Church in Los Angeles, Calif., for 25 years. At the time of the Woolsey Fire, they were living in Calabasas and the fires were several miles away. They thought it wouldn’t be a problem for them, but the next morning when they woke up, the hills were covered in smoke and they could now see the fires in the distance.
Mel and Desiree immediately began to exercise their authority just as they had learned under the teachings of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. They walked on their property and pled the blood of Jesus, believing and standing firm on the Word of God. During this time, Mel had been reading about Jesus and the storm with the disciples. Jesus asked the disciples, “Where is your faith?” after He spoke to and stilled the storm. When they made it to shore, the disciples wondered who it was that had the kind of authority to calm such strong winds and waves. Mel recalled this story as he watched the fires draw closer and closer to their home.
The winds were blowing like crazy and the fire was coming straight for them. Mel stood and said, “God, this is my home. You gave it to me, and I’m not giving it up!” A supernatural faith came over him and he knew right then that the Spirit of God was moving. The fire worked its way up their property, setting a bush ablaze right in front of Mel, but he had no fear. He said, “In the Name of Jesus, I bind you, devil!” and the fire didn’t come any closer.
Meanwhile, Desiree was nervous as the smoke filled their entire home and the fires closed around them. An armored car came roaring down the street, alerting everyone to get out; that is when Mel and Desiree escaped. Four days later, they were able to return—absolutely no damage had been done to their home! Mel stood upon the very same grass where he had taken his authority and saw that not a single blade had been singed by the fire—praise God! The Ayres are forever grateful to be under a ministry that taught them to have supernatural faith.
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