Ahmed Left Islam And Came to Faith in Jesus X 0 Ahmed Left Islam And Came to Faith in Jesus Ex-MuslimTestimonies Follow 11 Testimonies ▶Salvation / Converts ▼Muslims
43:43 “DON’T CONTACT ME AGAIN, GOD!” (Even In My Hatred Of Him, He Did A FIVE ***** STAR MIRACLE!) 5 views
06:19 I found the truth | How did Aisha change after she thought that God hates her and her sins are unforgivable? Al Hayat TV 6 views
07:33 I found the truth | Hussein tells the reason for his change from a Christian fanatic Muslim Al Hayat TV
04:47 Pastor Oded Shoshani (King of Kings Jerusalem) – Testimony of an Israeli Jew who met Yeshua! ONE FOR ISRAEL
10:20 Jewish Single Mom Finds Jesus: “I had uncovered a deep truth and couldn’t deny it!” ONE FOR ISRAEL
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