
My name is Kelly, and my journey to faith in Jesus has transformed my life in ways I never imagined. Born in Venezuela, I grew up in a Catholic household without a personal relationship with God. When I moved to the U.S. for studies, I pursued the American dream, getting married and building a family. However, beneath the surface, my life was unraveling.

My marriage was shattered by infidelity, leading me to make choices I deeply regretted, including an abortion. The burden of shame and emotional pain weighed heavily on me. Amidst the turmoil, I encountered a pastor who invited me to his church. For the first time, I felt the undeniable presence of God. As I lifted my hands in worship, my heart was touched, and I knew Jesus was real.

Through scripture, prayer, and divine dreams, my faith deepened. My marriage was restored, and I witnessed miraculous healing in my children—my daughter, diagnosed with a severe heart condition, was healed, and my son was delivered from epilepsy. Jesus became my foundation, my peace, and my healer. Now, I share my testimony to encourage those struggling with broken relationships, illness, or despair to call on Jesus. He is faithful to heal and restore.

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In this moving testimony, Kelly Yanez shares her profound journey from a life lacking fulfillment to discovering profound peace and solace through her faith in Jesus Christ. From a childhood distanced from the church to a marriage ruined by turmoil and personal struggles, Kelly shares her transformative path toward healing and restoration.

Kelly narrates the challenges she faced, including marital conflict, infidelity, and the emotional turmoil of an abortion. Amidst these trials, a pivotal moment arose when she encountered a Pastor who introduced her to a church community that resonated deeply with her spirit. This unique congregation embraced her with open arms, fostering an environment where she felt the unmistakable presence of Jesus Christ.

Kelly recounts the powerful experiences within this new church, where worshipers passionately sang, shared similar dreams, and spoke a language that mirrored her own. This profound connection became a turning point, leading to miraculous changes in her life—her son’s healing, marital reconciliation, and a newfound sense of contentment.

Join Kelly Yanez as she reveals the incredible transformation that transpired when she found a community where her faith came alive, offering hope, healing, and a deeper connection with her faith in Jesus Christ.

🙏 Experience the power of faith, healing, and restoration with Kelly’s inspiring testimony. Don’t miss this uplifting story of hope and redemption!

#Testimony #HealingThroughFaith #JesusChristTestimony #LifeTransformation #InspiringTestimony

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