Brian’s Story
When difficult circumstances kept piling up in my life, I reached a point where I couldn’t go a week without something major going wrong. I remember standing on my back porch, looking up at the sky, almost daring God to come down like a tough boxer for a three-minute fight. Then my wife, who grew up going to church, began taking me with her. She told me about a life group for deer hunters at Branch Creek, and I decided to check it out. It was a really neat experience—hanging out with other guys, sharing life’s ups and downs, and connecting with couples who were on the same journey. Although life isn’t 100% easier, having that support and knowing God was speaking in my heart has made all the difference. I can now bring my struggles to the table in a men’s group and receive honest feedback. I’m Brian, and I’m a typical guy whose life was completely changed by Christ.
Time Chapters
- 00:04 Struggles and Back Porch Prayer
- 28:00 Invitation & First Church Visit
- 56:00 Life Group Connection
—————– Original Video —————–
When difficult circumstances started happening in his life, Brian decided to start going to LCBC with his wife. Once there, he found a LIFE group that he fit into perfectly, and it changed his life.
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