
My name is Katelyn Elliot. After a terrible accident on my way home from a senior powderpuff game, my life was turned upside down. I suffered severe injuries including a broken sternum, broken ribs, punctured lungs, and critical head trauma. The doctors even declared me brain dead, but through emergency surgery and my unwavering trust in God, I began my long journey of recovery at Hershey Rehab. Every small milestone—from moving a finger to taking my first steps—became a testament to God’s miraculous intervention. Today, I am filled with hope and determined to embrace a new future, knowing that my recovery and every new day are gifts from Him.

Time Chapters
  • 00:26 Accident Notification
  • 01:22 Crisis & Surgery
  • 02:30 Rehab Awakening
  • 05:06 Steps of Faith

—————– Original Video —————–

After being in a terrible accident, Katelyn had a choice to make—either give up, or start taking small steps towards recovery. What choices are you making today that will have an impact on your future?