Overcome Fear And Anxiety with the Light of Jesus
Do you want to understand what it truly means to live life as a shining beacon of light, being the salt of the earth? In this inspiring video, we will explore scriptures from the Bible and biblical verses to show how living a life of service and compassion can bring about real change. This video will explain how by setting an example of a selfless lifestyle and radiating the spirit and love of Jesus, we can all be ‘salt’ for His kingdom. We will examine scriptures like Matthew 5:13-16 that discuss how our lives can be applied as salt in practical terms. Come join us as we rediscover what it means to be the shining effects of light in our chaotic world.
All Scripture quotations are taken from The Message, copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, represented by Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.
To purchase the Message, please visit https://amzn.to/3NoXUW4.
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