Addiction took 20 years of my life, until I met Jesus Christ…
My name is Ryan and I want to share how addiction stole 20 years of my life until I met Jesus Christ. From starting to drink and use drugs as a child, my journey was filled with violence, despair, and repeated cycles of addiction. I reached a breaking point in my early 30s, attempting suicide and coming dangerously close to death, which led me to seek help in rehab. Through that process, I began to feel God’s presence working through the people around me, and I seriously considered accepting Jesus. On the night of my 33rd birthday, I finally surrendered my life to Christ, cried tears of joy, and was reborn. Since then, I’ve found peace, overcome anger and addiction, and dedicated my life to church, Bible studies, and sharing the gospel with others. My testimony is a testament to God’s power to heal, restore, and transform even the darkest past through faith in Jesus.
Time Chapters
- 00:33 Introduction of Ryan
- 02:53 First Sincere Prayer
- 03:36 Decision to Try Rehab
- 06:43 Giving Life to Christ
—————– Original Video ————————
Ryan fell into addiction at 12 & battled for 20 years until Jesus Christ set him free.
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