
My name is Lee McDougald. For decades, I suffered from severe pain and debilitating health challenges, including Parkinson’s disease, following a devastating car accident. I endured multiple surgeries and experienced a long, painful journey of brokenness and despair. I watched others be healed and earnestly asked God, “Why not me?” One rainy afternoon at a healing conference in Dallas, my prayers were answered in an overwhelming moment of divine intervention. I felt a transformation that erased my pain and restored my ability to walk. This testimony is a record of how God’s power broke the cycle of suffering in my life and inspires my ongoing mission to share His healing and love with others.

Time Chapters
  • 00:07 Years of Suffering
  • 00:21 Accident & Surgeries
  • 02:17 Miraculous Healing Event
  • 04:07 Post-Conference Transformation

—————– Source —————–

God healed Lee and then sent him on a mission. You, too, can experience Gods healing power in your life… The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN