The God I knew to be true, I pushed aside. – MY TESTIMONY. – Tom S2E4
My name is Tom and this is my testimony. Growing up in a Christian environment, I heard all the words of faith but never truly embraced them—I pushed aside the God I knew to be true because I wanted to have fun and live for myself. I was ashamed of who I was and avoided following God, hoping merely to get to heaven without truly committing. Over time, my inner emptiness and rebellious lifestyle led me to a breaking point. One day, as I opened my refrigerator door, the gospel I once heard flooded back to me. For the first time, I saw Jesus Christ as the answer to all my problems. I realized that the life I was living was a lie, and I ran to Him with all my heart. That moment of raw honesty and surrender transformed me completely. Today, I live in the light of His forgiveness and grace, forever changed by the realization that true peace and identity can only be found in Him.
Time Chapters
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Tom hoped that he went to heaven, but he didn’t want to follow God.
He wanted to have fun and do what he wanted. He didn’t want to be religious and good like Christians he knew. Tom was ashamed of who he was so he would run from God. But then he realized Jesus was the answer and he needed to run to Him.
Each person has heard the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ and believed in it wholeheartedly.
“What is the gospel? What is the good news?”
First you need to know the bad news to understand how good the good news really is. The bad news is that God is good and holy and so He must punish all sin.There is no sin in heaven or in God’s presence.
“What does that mean for all people? Every single person has committed some sort of sin. So does that mean we are all going to burn in hell and not go to heaven? Because if God is good He has to punish all of us sinners?”
Here is the BEST news you have EVER heard. Because God is full of mercy and grace, instead of punishing us for our sin, He punishes His Son Jesus on the cross. Even more incredible, Jesus’ perfect- sinless life (AKA His righteousness) gets accredited to our account.
“What? Could this be true? Our sin is completely forgiven because Jesus died in my place on the cross? My moral debt cancelled?” – YES!
When God looks at your life, He now sees Jesus perfect life.
“So now I can go to heaven?” – YES!
Make no mistake, this is all true for the one who believes. All your good works cannot earn you heaven, rather Jesus’ work on the cross earns us heaven. All we have to do is repent (turn from our sin, be broken/sorry for our sin) and believe! Now the question is, do you believe Jesus and this good news? If this is this the first time you have ever heard the gospel presented to you in this way and you want to follow Jesus. Nothing is stopping you from doing it right now. Pray and talk to Jesus. Confess your sin and give your life over to Him. After you have a good cry with God in prayer, read the Bible and start attending church on Sunday. If you would like a free Bible or help finding a local church near you contact us!
Each christian testimony describes what it looks like to follow Jesus and be forever changed by the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. When you have saving faith, along with repentance in Jesus Christ (death, burial and resurrection) – you become a believer. You become adopted into the family of God. You begin to hate what God hates, and love what God loves. It’s almost has if you have new eyes and see the world through the cross and resurrection of Jesus.
If you would like prayer, a free Bible, or to speak with someone on the FCM team, you can contact us at
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