Near-Death Experience; God Grants Favor
At 20 years old, while on a camping trip in the blazing Arizona heat, I experienced a near-death incident that changed my life. Losing my inner tube plunged me into an underwater world where I lost all sense of physical form. I found myself in a dark, yet velvety space where a pinpoint of light caught my attention—this light, which I recognized as God, enveloped me with an indescribable, unconditional love. I merged with this divine energy and experienced a profound life review that revealed all my past actions, teaching me compassion and the true essence of love. After being pulled back into my body, I emerged forever transformed, filled with a desire to show kindness and love in every interaction.
Time Chapters
- 01:30 Underwater Darkness
- 04:00 Divine Union
- 06:00 Life Review
- 11:00 Return & Reflection
—————– Source —————–
Filmed at the 9th Annual Spiritual Retreat for Near Death Experiencers, St Louis, May 2014. or
For more information on near-death experiences (NDEs), go to the website of the International Association for Near-Death Studies at The website offers a wealth of information on NDEs, local groups that meet to discuss NDEs and their ramifications, and the most current research. You can become a member for a small annual fee to receive regular updates on new research, different perspectives on the implications of NDEs for our lives and the world, and breaking news relating to near-death experiences.
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