
My name is Nick, and I grew up in a small farming community with a loving Christian family. Although I believed in God, I had no real relationship with Him. As a teenager, I began drinking, which led to heavier substance abuse in college and beyond. My life spiraled into addiction, and one night, while driving under the influence, I ran a stop sign and caused a collision that instantly killed four people—people I actually knew.

That moment shattered my life and countless others. I woke up in jail, full of guilt, shame, and hopelessness. Eventually sentenced to 24 years in prison, I was overwhelmed by regret and wrestled with suicidal thoughts. In my darkest moments, I finally cried out to God. Slowly, I started praying every day, clinging to the Lord for the strength to make it just through each count time.

Over the years in prison, God placed people in my path who encouraged me in my faith. I found hope, discovered authentic relationship with Jesus, and began to realize that He had forgiven me—no matter how great my sin. Learning to forgive myself became a daily choice.

Miraculously, after nearly 15 years inside, I was granted an early release. I was able to meet with the victims’ families face to face and express my sorrow, and I promised to honor their loved ones by sharing my story to help others. Today, I’m living in freedom, serving at my church’s Dream Center, and trusting God to continue transforming my life. His grace took me from brokenness in addiction to a life of purpose and love in Christ.

Time Chapters
  • 01:20 My Early Life and Drinking
  • 03:45 College Years and Drug Use
  • 05:20 The Job Interview Hopes
  • 07:50 Drunk Driving Accident
  • 10:35 Shocking News at Hospital
  • 12:50 First Weeks in Jail
  • 16:10 Prison Sentence and Darkness
  • 18:50 Meeting Mike in Prison
  • 22:30 Transfer to Grafton
  • 26:50 Discovering True Faith
  • 32:10 Facing Victims’ Families
  • 38:25 Release and New Purpose
  • 42:30 Forgiveness and Surrender

—————– Original Video —————–

In great detail, Nick peels back all of the layers of his life and shares how Jesus loved him through the worst moments of his life.