
Terry and Hannah Minor share their deeply personal testimony of faith and perseverance through multiple miscarriages. Despite repeated losses, they stood firm on God’s promises and sought His guidance. A divine encounter with a compassionate doctor and a prophetic prayer from Kenneth Copeland strengthened their belief that they would have a healthy child. When pregnancy complications arose again, Hannah turned to prayer and immersed herself in God’s Word, resisting fear and despair. Through unwavering faith, bed rest, and scriptural confessions, she overcame the symptoms and gave birth to their miracle baby, proving that God’s Word never fails.

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How to Overcome Miscarriage with God’s Word—Terry & Hannah Minor Testimony

Terry and Hannah Minor had known the heartache that comes as a result of multiple miscarriages, and yet, they couldn’t give up on having their miracle baby. When a new doctor gave them hope that Hannah could carry a baby to term and they received a word of knowledge from Kenneth Copeland about their family, they trusted that Hannah’s latest pregnancy would be different. Little did they know that they were in a fight for the life of their baby. Hannah soon began experiencing familiar miscarriage symptoms and was put on bed rest. Instead of giving into feelings of despair, Hannah used her time on bed rest to put her faith to work, just as she had learned as a Partner with Kenneth Copeland Ministries. She began studying and confessing God’s Word over her baby, proclaiming that this baby—her miracle baby—would live and not die.

She watched Kenneth and Gloria Copeland’s Healing School, too. For two months, Hannah read, studied and prayed God’s Word, standing in faith against miscarriage symptoms and trusting God for the health and wellbeing of her baby. Today, when Hannah Minor looks at her miracle baby, she remembers the lesson she learned: Every believer must decide whether or not to believe God’s promises. The fulfillment of the promise may require a fight of faith, but the result is well worth it. In her case, Hannah could have either chosen to believe the miscarriage symptoms or the Word she and her husband had received. She chose the latter.

For those who have experienced a miscarriage, are struggling to carry a baby to term or need encouragement as they stand for their miracle, then this video is for them! And to learn how to overcome miscarriages and stand for your miracle baby, visit Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ Real Help section at