KCM Partner Testimony – God Makes the Impossible Possible!
My wife Bonnie and I rededicated our lives to God when we realized that we did not have to settle for our past struggles. We attended a Kenneth Copeland meeting filled with faith, which led us to pray in complete agreement for a house. Bonnie even wrote a contract with God detailing every promise and desire we had for our home, and we hung it by our door as a daily reminder. As time grew short before we had to move, a man—fresh from finalizing his divorce—appeared and, moved by the Spirit, offered his house with a delayed settlement. Though we were $10,000 short, a miraculous phone call delivered exactly that amount as a gift, fulfilling our prayer. This breakthrough is a testament solely to Jesus’ power and grace in making the impossible possible in our lives.
Time Chapters
- 01:00 Introduction & Rededication
- 20:00 Contract with God
- 01:04:00 Miraculous Settlement Gift
—————– Original Video ————————
KCM Partners Auston and Bonnie O’Neill were living a very different life from the one the Holy Spirit told them they should be living. They decided to rededicate their lives to God and return to church. When they did, a Kenneth Copeland meeting was announced. At this point in their lives, they had never listened to him.
The meeting was packed full of faith and unlike anything they had ever encountered. It was this meeting where they had the revelation that you do not have to settle in life—God has a better future for you! They also learned the power of agreement between a husband and a wife.
Auston and Bonnie decided they were going to pray in agreement about buying a house, so Bonnie wrote a contract to God. In this contract, she included every single detail they wanted in their home, as well as scriptures of God’s promises. They signed it and hung it up by their door, so every time they passed it, they could touch it and say, “Thank You, Jesus! We receive it in Your Name!”
Every day, they searched for a house, but couldn’t find anything until they only had two more days until they had to be out of their place. They were heading home, passing through a development where they really desired to live. Auston spotted a man getting out of his car and told Bonnie to stop so he could speak with him. Bonnie was confused because the house wasn’t for sale, but Auston was moved by the Holy Spirit.
Lo and behold, the man just finalized a divorce and needed to sell the home. It checked every box on Auston and Bonnie’s list, but they needed a delayed settlement of a year. The man’s response? “I will consider anything.” They prayed and wrote up a contract completely at the Lord’s guidance. Their agent told them there was no way the seller would ever accept it—well, he did!
At the end of that first year, they were short $10,000 for the settlement, and didn’t know what to do. As they were about to head out the door to the settlement, the phone rang and the person on the other end said, “Where’s your settlement? God told me to give you $10,000. I’ll meet you there!” PRAISE GOD! The O’Neils thank God and KCM for everything instilled in them. Not only has it brought life to them—it has equipped them to bring life to others. Thank You, Jesus!
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