
Hi, I’m Jesse Padulo. I share my journey from a life steeped in violence, substance abuse, and family trauma to a miraculous transformation through Jesus. In the depths of despair, facing near-death and loss, I found hope, restored my relationships, and embraced my calling as a father and evangelist. God’s grace has redeemed my past, and I now testify to His power, urging others to seek the light of Jesus.

Time Chapters
  • 01:31 Lost Youth and Crime
  • 04:01 Violence & Alcohol Cycle
  • 06:01 A Brush with Death
  • 07:46 Hitting Rock Bottom
  • 09:16 Living Without Remorse
  • 11:31 Birth of My Son
  • 13:01 Losing Everything Again
  • 15:31 The Party That Changed
  • 18:01 Finding Faith and Purpose
  • 20:46 The Lord’s New Beginning
  • 24:01 Road to Redemption
  • 27:01 Community of Faith
  • 32:01 From Barber to Evangelist
  • 40:01 Favorite Bible Verse
  • 44:37 Closing Prayer

—————– Original Video —————–

WITNESS 008: JESSE PADULO In this heartfelt testimony, Jesse recounts his journey from a troubled past of family trauma, substance abuse, and violence to a life transformed by faith.

Growing up in a turbulent environment with absent and addicted parents, Jesse faced hardship and anger from a young age. From serving time behind bars as a young man to growing up in foster care, Jesse felt punished for circumstances he had no control over.

This led him into a life of alcohol dependency, dangerous associations, and a growing sense of hopelessness. After a series of devastating experiences, including a near-fatal overdose and a sudden divorce, he found himself at rock bottom, with no sense of direction or purpose.

In a moment of desperation, Jesse fell to his knees and prayed, marking the beginning of a new chapter in his life. From that point on, he saw remarkable changes: he reconnected with his children, found a stable home, and met his future wife, who also embraced faith.

Together, they built a family and were recently baptized. Jesse’s newfound purpose extended to his barbershop, where he uses his daily interactions as a chance to share the hope, love and restoration he found in Christ.

From growing up feeling like he had no family he could count on to finding his faithful Father in Heaven, Jesse’s testimony is a profound reminder that, no matter how deep the darkness, there is a light to guide us to true purpose and joy.

Through his words, he hopes to show others the incredible power of forgiveness, faith, and resilience found in Christ Jesus.

00:00 A Life of Pain and Struggles
01:31 Lost Youth and Falling into Crime
04:01 Violence and Alcohol: A Destructive Cycle
06:01 A Brush with Death
07:46 Hitting Rock Bottom: The Turning Point
09:16 No Remorse: Living without Fear
11:31 The Birth of My Son: A Glimmer of Hope
13:01 Losing Everything Again
15:31 The Party That Changed It All
18:01 Finding Faith and Purpose
20:46 The Lord’s Guidance: A New Beginning
24:01 The Road to Redemption
27:01 A Community of Faith: Finding Support
32:01 From Barber to Evangelist
40:01 Favorite Bible Verse
44:37 Closing Prayer

#redemptionstory #christiantestimony #jesussaves #jesusheals #forgiveness