Some people unfortunately can have such a distorted perception of Christianity these days and it is our desire to try to help people get focused on THIS supernatural reality: JESUS CHRIST TRANSFORMS LIVES. We do this by simply giving greater exposure to Christians testifying of how Jesus Christ has gloriously transformed THEM in various ways … as they have chosen to place their trust in HIM.

Make no mistake — none of the people on these Precious Testimonies TV Broadcasts are PERFECT. Yet the ONE they have chosen to place their trust in to have their sins forgiven and be cleansed from them so they are in right-standing with God IS perfect. That is core Christianity. 1 John 1:9 in the New Testament Bible assures them of such.

And everyone is eligible to have their sins forgiven and be cleansed from them so they can be in right-standing with God if they want. It makes no difference what they have done in the past or are doing currently. Jesus Christ will forgive them if they will only ask Him to.

No one has to “be good enough” to have their sins forgiven either – nor can one be so “bad” – thinking Jesus Christ could not nor would not want to forgive them. Jesus Christ has never searched out for those who are “good enough” nor “worthy enough” before they are qualified to have their sins forgiven. Who He IS looking for are people who are humble enough to admit that they are sinners against God and they desire a Savior who can and wants to forgive them of their sins and CLEANSE them from all unrighteousness so that they can have complete, 100% assurance that when they die, (complete assurance even NOW as WELL!) heaven will be their immediate destiny when they die where God dwells and His holy angels dwell and all the born again saints who have died dwells … and NO evil dwells there like it does on this planet.

None of us know when our heart will stop beating, do we? Be HIGHLY encouraged to make peace with God the Father through Jesus Christ this very moment. Pray and tell Jesus you are sorry for your sins against God. Ask Him to save you from your sins. Daily put Him FIRST in everything you think, say and do. As soon as possible, be water baptized, and ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit so you can be empowered by the Holy Spirit to enjoy reading the New Testament Bible (God’s LATEST covenant Word to the human race), and obey the commands God has recorded for followers of Jesus Christ to obey (You will be rewarded for doing so!). Join with other Christian believers who can help answer the many questions you probably have, and who will pray for and encourage you. Asking Jesus Christ to be your personal Savior, and making Him Lord of your life is THE WISEST DECISION YOU WILL EVER MAKE. It will bring you eternal joyous rewards … and God will be so pleased that you have NOT wasted the eternal purposes God has planned for you! God never created you to be a wasted creation of His – never forget that – but it is up to YOU to let Him work in your life – daily. He won’t force you. He must always be invited. (Intimate relationship is never sustained indefinitely with another person without effort; nor so with God. It requires ACTIVE pursuit of the most special person in your life. God desires YOUR active pursuit of Him more than anything else in your life. He wants FIRST place – never second. And in your so doing … NO ONE to Him is more desirable than YOU! He so eagerly desires you to come to that realization, dear one. He truly does. This life is your starting point with your loving Creator that will last for eternity.)

If you would like to get right with God and have your sins forgiven, pray this simple prayer out loud: Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You for dying for me – taking ALL the punishment for my sins. I ask Your forgiveness of all my sins. I receive your forgiveness. I invite your Spirit to come and live inside of me right now, and ask that you will give me peace that when I die, I’ll go to heaven and be with You for eternity. I ask that you help me walk pleasing to You from this day forward, until I die. Amen.

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