Enduring Hard Lessons and Discovering a Blessing for Life
At 28, I started my own electronics business, but faced severe challenges including business failure, losing my savings to a hack, and contracting COVID-19. As I struggled financially and personally, I moved back with my parents and felt disconnected from God. Encouraged by my mother’s daily 700 Club broadcasts, I began tithing again, trusting in God’s provision. Through consistent faith and giving, my finances recovered, my business thrived, and I started a family again. God’s faithfulness restored my life, and I am now in a better position than before, grateful for His blessings and looking forward to the future.
Time Chapters
- 00:28 Starting My Business
- 00:39 Facing Financial Struggles
- 01:00 Choosing to Tithe Again
- 02:00 God’s Restoration
- 03:00 Embracing Faith and Future
—————– Original Video ————————
Will was a go-getter with an entrepreneurial mindset. But nothing could prepare him for years of hardship, a business failure, losing his savings to a hack, and on top of all of that, being struck down by COVID-19. See how a mother’s encouragement and a biblical principle set him right back on track for success!
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