Nothing Could Fill the Void Inside Until JESUS Did THIS…😳 (Testimony)
I am Nathalie Vilson, and I want to share my journey from deep brokenness and a life filled with addiction, promiscuity, and pain to a new life in Jesus. Growing up in a broken home, I faced early exposure to pornography, theft, and rebellion. I struggled with drugs, alcohol, and the emptiness that these vices brought until I encountered the saving power of Jesus. Through His grace, I found healing, reclaimed my identity, and learned to love and care for my son. Today, I stand as a living testimony that nothing can fill the void in our hearts except the love and transformation that comes from Jesus. I give all glory to Him for restoring my life.
Time Chapters
- 02:37 Growing Up in Broken Home
- 05:10 Exposed to Pornography
- 06:47 Stealing & Partying
- 11:53 Emptiness: Drugs & Men
- 15:34 Pregnant with My Son
- 17:08 Naming & Raising Jaden
- 22:08 Back to Partying
- 24:38 Mom Gets Sick
- 27:55 Losing Mom & Coping
- 30:41 God Begins Drawing Me
- 37:38 Bible Reading & Crying
- 40:21 Coming to My Senses
- 41:34 The Healing Process
- 44:54 Moving to Maryland
- 47:52 Holy Spirit Encounter
- 50:53 Journey to Surrender
- 56:28 Planted in Home Church
- 01:02:46 Apologize to My Son
- 01:05:54 Freedom from Rejection
- 01:06:54 Life with Jesus
- 01:09:36 Who is Nathalie?
- 01:10:33 Who is Jesus?
- 01:11:16 Prayer Time
- 01:13:52 Final Words
—————– Original Video —————–
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Testimony by Nathalie Vilson
Directed by Eric Villatoro
Interviewed by Eric Villatoro
Edited By Joshua Gayle
Audio Mixed by Paul Nicholas
Testimony Recorded in Maryland
Delafé Testimonies is a global evangelistic project with the mission of creating the world’s largest archive of Jesus testimonies until His return. Our vision is to save souls, build community, and set people free through the testimony of Jesus.
00:00:00 Introducing Nathalie Vilson
00:02:37 Growing Up in a Broken Home
00:05:10 Being Exposed to Pornography in Middle School
00:06:47 Stealing, Partying, and Being Promiscuous
00:11:53 Trying to Fill the Emptiness With Drugs and Men
00:15:34 Becoming Pregnant with My Son
00:17:08 Naming and Raising Jaiden
00:22:08 Back to Partying and Promiscuity
00:24:38 My Mom Gets Sick
00:27:55 Losing My Mom and Trying to Cope
00:30:41 God Begins Drawing Me to Himself
00:37:38 Reading the Bible, Crying Out to God
00:40:21 Coming to My Senses
00:41:34 The Healing Process
00:44:54 Moving to Maryland
00:47:52 Encountering the Holy Spirit
00:50:53 The Journey to Surrender
00:56:28 Getting Planted in My Home Church, More Healing
1:02:46 Apologizing to My Son, Being Freed from Shame
1:05:54 Freedom from Rejection, Forgiving My Parents
1:06:54 Life With Jesus Now
1:09:36 Who is Nathalie?
1:10:33 Who is Jesus To You?
1:11:16 Prayer
1:13:52 Final Words
1:14:55 Thank You to Our Donors!
Nothing Could Fill the Void Inside Until JESUS Did THIS…😳 (Testimony)
Nathalie Vilson Testimony
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