How God SAVED Me From My P*rn Addiction (MY TESTIMONY)
In this powerful personal testimony, the speaker shares his journey of overcoming a long-standing pornography addiction. He explains that addiction develops gradually and describes how he reached a point of deep guilt and isolation. After surrendering his life to God, he experienced immediate deliverance and transformation through repentance. His story is a call to break free from destructive habits by replacing them with God’s purpose and embracing His redeeming love.
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This is my testimony of how God saved me from my p*rn addiction.
Whatever your addiction is… it wasn’t overnight. It was gradual. I didn’t just wake up one day addicted to porn. You didn’t just wake up one day addicted to weed. And there’s a quote that goes along with this concept and it’s “The chains of habit are too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.” There was a start to your addiction that didn’t happen overnight. And there’s a start to your walk in salvation with God but the difference is once you repent, God starts working on you RIGHT at that second.
You are not your past. You are how you respond to your past. You can change RIGHT now, and it doesn’t just start with you, it starts with God.
This is my testimony. And I hope this message can connect to those who need it the most. All credits to God. Thank you for watching. God bless
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How God SAVED Me From My P*rn Addiction
Pornography addiction
how to stop watching pornography
God Testimony
how to repent for your sins
how to stop sinning
p*rn addiction testimony
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