
My life was marred by deep homosexual confusion fueled by sexual abuse and a lack of genuine love from my father, who never knew how to communicate affection. For years, I was trapped in bondage, struggling with the pain of my past. Then God set me free, transforming my life, healing my wounds, and renewing my purpose. Today, my singing career reflects that healing and comfort I received from God the Father, and I testify that His power can break every chain.

Dennis Jernigan Pages: Official Website | Wikipedia

Time Chapters
  • 13:00 Testimony of Bondage and Abuse
  • 01:00:00 Turning Point and Conversion
  • 01:20:00 Healing Through Ministry
  • 01:55:00 Worship and Deliverance

—————– Original Video —————–

Dennis Jernigan describes the homosexual confusion caused by sexual abuse and growing up with a father who did not know how to communicate love and affection, and how God set him free from bondage many years ago. He describes how his singing career has reflected the healing and comfort that he has sought and received from God the Father during his healing process.