
Everyone has a personal story. Difficult struggles or challenging moments that define who they are or the course of their life. What’s your story?

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This video is a part of a series called “Personal Stories” where people are open about life-changing moments and the struggles that came along.

Thank you for watching and connecting with us!

PS: when commenting, please treat people just as you would like them to treat you! ♥

Video created by MovingWorks.org

Jerome and Fayth suffered five miscarriages, which strained their marriage and stirred many fears that challenged their faith. However, being in church and surrounded by a community of believers gave them hope again.

If you are in a season of waiting or facing a health battle, we pray that this video will bring you hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. This testimony was first shown at the 2024 Chinese Mid-Autumn Celebrations event.

如果你正在等待或面临健康上的挑战,我们祷告这个视频将带给你在主耶稣基督里的盼望。这个见证在 2024 年家➕爱中秋庆祝会上首次播放。

#newcreationchurch #nccsg #ncc #thegraceofGod #Godisfaithful #FindingHopeInTheMidstOfLoss

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