God closed that door for your own protection
#prophet #Propheticministry #godstiming
Watch more videos:
Prophetic Encouragement – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmvox_niExPTm0016tHjdyhwUa6WfEpAt
Prophetic Ministry – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmvox_niExPRGFOeuxSK4YQmIKd51TZ2S
Prophetic Training – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmvox_niExPSa5NAZvAYAOYgyIlNFUIlk
Other Prophecies – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmvox_niExPRUBz_wigTDchYY1QYOjPWv
Healing & Miracles – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmvox_niExPRvk6PzyqvKt6FC1tGonWm6
Deliverance – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmvox_niExPTAVIIavynDoGT0FhtaOyoH
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When God knows every detail of your life
#prophecy #propheticword #godknows
Watch more videos:
Prophetic Encouragement – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmvox_niExPTm0016tHjdyhwUa6WfEpAt
Prophetic Ministry – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmvox_niExPRGFOeuxSK4YQmIKd51TZ2S
Prophetic Training – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmvox_niExPSa5NAZvAYAOYgyIlNFUIlk
Other Prophecies – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmvox_niExPRUBz_wigTDchYY1QYOjPWv
Healing & Miracles – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmvox_niExPRvk6PzyqvKt6FC1tGonWm6
Deliverance – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmvox_niExPTAVIIavynDoGT0FhtaOyoH
Partner with this ministry: https://alwynuys.com/pages/ministry
Join my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/alwynuys
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alwynuys
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alwynuys
Invite Alwyn to minister: https://www.alwynuys.com
God changes lives for eternity. He empowers youth for His glory. http://www.ccf.org.ph/CCF30th/
Favoritism in her family caused Tin to question her sense of self-worth. Because of that, she looked for love in her relationship with guys. One of this relationship was with a boyfriend who was verbally and physically abusive. Thinking that she was at her lowest, she cried out to God to send her someone who can love and accept her. Two weeks after, she was invited by her schoolmates to attend Elevate U-Belt. It is here that she knew that the love she was looking for is found in Christ alone.
For some, the call of life in excess is too attractive to resist. Laurence is one of those who lived for the worldly pleasures that alcohol and gambling had promised. But after Laurence encountered Jesus, his life was no longer a slave to risk. In Christ was a promise more sure than anything the casinos or the bottle could offer.
Rejoicing with this precious grandma over her breakthrough! How awesome is our God?
More than 2,600 patients visited our free clinic in Tondo in the Philippines over four days in July 2017, where they were prayed for and attended to by our team of volunteers made up mostly of doctors and medical assistants.
#nccsg #nccoutreach #Jesusheals #testimony
Can you sense the joy in this granny’s voice? Praise the Lord for His restoration!
More than 2,600 patients visited our free clinic in Tondo in the Philippines over four days in July 2017, where they were prayed for and attended to by our team of volunteers made up mostly of doctors and medical assistants.
#nccsg #nccoutreach #Jesusheals #testimony
In this touching interview recorded at our Mid-Autumn Celebration on 22 September 2018, Xin Ru and Kingsley speak to Pastor Louis Teng and Xin Yu about how they conquered lupus and testicular cancer and received a miracle baby from the Lord! It was followed by the presentation of a beautiful song about the love of God titled Love Rescued Me.
Xin Ru, a scriptwriter for a television network, shared how she became photosensitive and started experiencing rashes while filming in Taiwan in 2010. On her return to Singapore, she was diagnosed with lupus, a condition where the immune system attacks the organs and causes joints to swell. For Xin Ru, she was attacked in her skin. She would often feel feverish and her skin would swell, hurt and itch. Her joints gave her so much pain that she could hardly bend her fingers.
She was put on steroids for a prolonged period and experienced many side effects which included the thinning of her skin. Once, her skin peeled off while she was trying to open a new jar of peanut butter. She was dumbfounded and realised that she had to be extra careful even with simple tasks. The rashes also left many open wounds on her body. She was in constant pain and suffered from uncontrollable itch. Not only was she unable to sleep at night, she also lost confidence. Whenever she was in public, people would avoid or despise her, for fear of getting infected. The joint problems also affected her work and she had problems typing out scripts. She was overwhelmed by worries and fears, and fell into depression. She did not want to step out of the house and when she was alone, she would cry for no reason.
Kingsley, a sales manager for a cruise company, shared how a year before they got married, he felt that his testicle was swollen while taking a shower. He went for a detailed check-up and the doctor diagnosed him as having testicular cancer. He wondered how he could be so “lucky”, and in his heart, hoped that the healing miracles that have happened to others would happen to him. But the tumour grew bigger by the day, and four months before the wedding, he underwent surgery to remove it, and had a strong round of chemotherapy to prevent the cancer cells from spreading. At that time, he had just received Christ as Saviour and kept questioning why this had happened to him.
In Xin Ru’s lowest moments, she felt angry and helpless. She would cry, pray and question God. Despite this, she was thankful that God’s comfort would always be with her. She was also grateful for the support of her friends and family. She held fast to God’s promise in 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” For Kingsley, his emotions would go up and down and he felt stressed out. Nonetheless, he would encourage himself with Isaiah 53:5, that “by His stripes we are healed”.
During that time, Xin Ru would go for detailed check-ups every three to six months to ensure that her other organs were not under attack. The doctor said that lupus is incurable and she would be on steroids for life. However, five years ago, the doctor said that her condition had stabilised, there were no trace of lupus in her body, and she could stop taking steroids.
For Kingsley, the doctor could not determine the stage of his cancer as the tumour was malignant and logically, the cancer cells should have spread but they did not. His cancer was then classified as Stage 1. He thanked God for preserving him. When his oncologist knew that he was about to get married, he encouraged Kingsley to freeze his sperm as many cancer patients have difficulty conceiving. He even said that because of the chemotherapy, Kingsley would not be able to have children in the next couple of years.
But one month after they got married, a miracle happened—Xin Ru conceived! Initially, they could not believe it and visited a family doctor for further tests. The doctor said that, being a lupus patient, it was difficult for her to get pregnant, and Kingsley had just recovered from testicular cancer treatment with chemotherapy. It was a miracle! Even Kingsley’s oncologist was very surprised. Today, their son is almost three years old and he is healthy and lively.
The session then ended with the couple sharing the truth of God love, even for unbelievers, and praying for those in the audience who were not well.
我微弱时 祢扶持我
祢永不离开我 始终不离弃我
祢说我是祢心爱的人 我的一举一动祢都关怀
耶稣我爱祢 深深地爱祢
我罪已得赦免 我心已得安慰
我微弱时 祢扶持我
祢永不离开我 始终不离弃我
祢说我是祢心爱的人 我的一举一动祢都关怀
耶稣我爱祢 深深地爱祢
我罪已得赦免 我心已得安慰
耶稣我爱祢 深深地爱祢
我罪已得赦免 我心已得安慰
耶稣我爱祢 深深地爱祢
我罪已得赦免 我心已得安慰
© 2003 New Creation Worship 新造敬拜
CCLI Song No. 7118588