

I was raised in an environment where religion was dismissed as mere opium for the masses, and my identity was predetermined by others. But everything changed when I met someone who challenged my beliefs and sparked a deep internal journey. Through honest, soul-searching conversations and moments of profound reflection, I realized I needed true salvation. That night, I found myself praying for forgiveness and embracing Jesus. Today, I stand transformed, with a renewed sense of self-worth and a commitment to live out my faith authentically.

Time Chapters
  • 00:40 Meeting and Deep Conversation
  • 01:05 Internal Journey Begins
  • 01:36 Prayer and Transformation

—————– Original Video —————–

In complete opposition to the environment in which Or had been raised, he was exposed to the truth and decided to dig deeper.
By: www.oneforisrael.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/oneforIsrael


I was trapped in a life dominated by drugs and crime, a struggle that began in my early years on the streets of Israel. I experienced the depths of addiction—from violent family conflicts and harsh street life in Amsterdam to nearly losing myself. In my darkest moments, I encountered the saving power of Jesus. A revelation through the words of John 15:16 changed everything; I knelt in prayer and asked God to transform my life. Today, I stand free from substance abuse, testifying that it is only through Jesus that true freedom and restoration are possible.

Time Chapters
  • 00:08 Early Drug Struggle
  • 01:23 Amsterdam Heroin Experience
  • 05:36 John 15:16 Revelation
  • 06:07 Prayer for Transformation

—————– Original Video —————–

by www.oneforisrael.org

Late 2015, Eitan Bar, Moti Vaknin & Anastasia received a request to come to a hospital and pray for a child who lost his sight and sick with cancer. Jewish Jacob was there too and witnessed the miracle of healing in front of his eyes, leading him to Jesus Christ! Watch Jacob’s AMAZING story and SHARE!!!
By: www.oneforisrael.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/oneforIsrael

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