

I endured a tumultuous journey—from a painful childhood marked by abuse and a dark spiral of drug addiction, to confronting deep emotional wounds and moments of suicidal despair. In the midst of that chaos, I encountered the life-changing love of Jesus Christ. That divine intervention transformed my life, refocusing my purpose and guiding me into ministry. Today, as I share my testimony, I declare that through faith even the most shattered hearts can be healed and renewed.

Pastor Mishal Matar Pages:

Time Chapters

00:22 Abuse & Addiction
00:53 New Journey Begins
02:28 Welcome Pastor
03:03 Childhood Memories
07:10 Faith & Struggles
15:03 Escape to Canada
16:15 Return & Transformation
27:00 Healing & Ministry
33:00 Renewed Life in Christ

—————– Source —————–


اختبار القس ميشال مطر – مشوار حياة

قصة القس ميشال مطر في مشوار حياة من الطفولة الى حين اختباره للرب يسوع بحياته. وكيف تشكلت شخصيته بكل ما مر به في حياته! تابعونا في حلقة جديدة من برنامج مشوار حياة.
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Frequency: Nilesat 11354 – Vertical



I have walked a long road from humble beginnings in Minya, Egypt. Facing loss, illness, and deep emotional pain, I found strength in the love and power of Jesus. Through the gentle guidance of my mentor and the unwavering grace of our Lord, my calling as a worship singer was revealed. Every trial was transformed by the healing touch of Jesus Christ, whose mercy restored my heart and life.

Time Chapters

02:24 Program Welcome
04:02 Biblical Affirmation
04:46 Father’s Departure
06:01 Early Faith Memories
07:03 School & Church Struggles
16:02 Ministry Encouragement
23:42 Illness & Pain
25:29 Deep Prayer Moment
32:06 Mentor Guidance
35:41 Decision to Serve

—————– Source —————–

مشوار حياة صموئيل فاروق، نستعرض قصة حياته من الطفوله مرورا بالمراهقة والتحديات التي واجهها ثم مرحلة الشباب وهناك من اكتشفه واكتشف موهبته. شاهد الان حلقة صموئيل فاروق.

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كل فيديواهات مشوار حياه

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Frequency: Nilesat 11354 – Vertical

Original Channel

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My name is Fadi Jandah and I have walked a life path against the current, filled with trials, heartbreak, and moments of divine intervention. From my humble beginnings in a loving yet challenging family, I faced numerous hardships including the loss of loved ones, witnessing injustice, and personal struggles. Through every trial, I leaned on Jesus, finding strength, forgiveness, and healing. God provided a calling that transformed my life, enabling me to overcome traumas, forgive those who hurt me, and guide others with love and authenticity. My story is a testament to the power of faith and the unending grace of Jesus that brings hope and redemption.

Time Chapters
  • 00:23 Childhood beginnings in faith
  • 06:09:00 God’s call to walk against current
  • 16:18:00 Forgiving past hurts, seeking healing
  • 27:26:00 Prayer for a renewed heart
  • 34:07:00 Enduring hardships with faith

—————– Original Video ————————

ما هو الأمر الذي ما زلت متمسك به وتود ان تسلمه لمشيئة الرب يسوع؟ شاركنا باختبارك على هذه الرقم +96170085260 برنامج مشوار حياة يعرفنا عن كثب على المرنمين والقادة المحبوبين على قلوبكم ، استعد للانتقال بعيدًا بقصصهم التي تقربك من الله وتشعل نارًا في رحلتك الروحية الخاصة. والاستماع إلى ترانيمهم مباشرة على الهواء يوم الخميس | الساعة ٩ مساءً بتوقيت بيروت والقاهرة ،| ضيف الحلقة | الاب فادي جندح | حلقة بعنوان مشوار بعكس السير
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Frequency: Nilesat 11354 – Vertical


My name is Farhat. I was raised in a mostly Muslim family, but the contradictions and unanswered questions I encountered led me to lose confidence in my faith. Over time, I lost everything I owned in a failed business deal I had hoped would transform my life. One desperate night, I cried out to God, asking Him to make Himself known if He was real. Not long after, I met someone who showed me that God is a loving Father who deeply cares about me. This was unlike the strict, distant view of God I had as a Muslim. Intrigued, I searched more about Christianity online and discovered the message of Jesus’ love and sacrifice. At a home church gathering, I felt God’s presence in a powerful way. All the fear, confusion, and hopelessness began to lift, replaced by God’s peace and assurance. Since then, I’ve committed my life to Jesus, placing my trust in His plan for me. I want everyone to know that no matter how impossible life seems, God’s love can transform their hearts and restore what was lost—just as He did for me.

—————– Original ————————

للمزيد من الفيديوهات يرجى زيارة قناة اليوتيوب ولمتابعة المزيد من الفيديوهات يرجى الاشتراك في القناة على الرابط التالي:

الموقع الرئيسي للقناة

أيضا يمكنكم متابعة القناة على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي الأخرى




Rachel, raised in a Christian family, shares her journey of drifting from her faith during her youth. Despite being deeply familiar with the Bible and Christian teachings, societal influences and peer pressure led her away from her spiritual path. Through moments of personal conviction and recognizing the emptiness of worldly pursuits, she recommitted herself to Jesus Christ. Rachel’s testimony highlights the struggles of maintaining faith in challenging environments and the joy of restoration through God’s grace.

—————– Original ————————


Rachel reflects on her life journey from Sudan to Europe, recalling the divisions she witnessed and the longing for unity and peace among her people. Raised in a context of religious diversity, she shares her experiences of faith and prayer, emphasizing the importance of love and reconciliation. Her testimony highlights God’s transformative work in bringing healing to hearts and communities, calling for unity and the restoration of love among people.

—————– Original ————————

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I Have Hope Program – Episode 7
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