07:58 Healing from family trauma and emotional fatigue || Watch Katy’s testimony Teaching Humble Hearts 5 views
29:51 This one bad relationship almost ruined my life, until Jesus.. | Shakira’s Testimony deliverance downunder
32:22 Going to Church wasn’t enough, I needed to KNOW Jesus! | Chiemeriwo’s Testimony deliverance downunder
10:00 “The thought of [God’s] love just brings tears to my eyes.” God gives Peace to Angry Man’s Heart. cbn 700 CLUB 1 view
13:17 “I saw Him in the people who accepted me at my worst.” Man forgives brother for killing parents cbn 700 CLUB
13:48 Story | Brian & Donna Sergeant | Part 1| UNBREAKABLE FAITH – BRADLEY S5E3 #SIDS Forever Changed