26:30 I was a Stripper until JESUS showed me Hell! 😮 | Amelia’s Testimony deliverance downunder 24 views
44:15 I was addicted to HARD DRUGS until JESUS showed me this…😮 | Ryan’s Testimony deliverance downunder
56:04 I was broken until JESUS told me he Loves me! 🥹❤️ | Isaac’s Testimony deliverance downunder 1 view
14:16 From Homeless to Jail, from Jail to CHRISTIAN – A Powerful Testimony of how GOD changes Hearts! Holy Mood 1 view
05:36 “I Was Almost Killed by The Hands of My Mother” Testimony of Redemption and Healing. Hungry Generation
11:43 God Said to Me, “It’s Not a Coincidence, it’s Me.” – POWERFUL Testimony of Ex-Gang Member! Hungry Generation 1 view
36:33 Saved by Jesus/My testimony 2020 (Drugs at young age, shot by rival gangs, prison, anger, set free) Witness21