01:10:32 I Was Brutally Abused as a Child and Didn’t Believe in God Until this Happened… (Testimony) Delafé Testimonies
33:33 At 12 Yrs Old I Started Drinking, Smoking, and Having Sex, but then Jesus Did This…(Testimony) Delafé Testimonies 10 views
34:24 I Checked Myself Into a Mental Facility, but then God Spoke to Me! 😳 Delafé Testimonies 2 views
38:37 My Father Physically Abused Me, but God Helped Me Forgive… (Testimony) Delafé Testimonies 8 views
56:10 I Had Multiple Abortions, Could Not Forgive Myself But Then Holy Spirit Met Me (Testimony) Delafé Testimonies 1 view
39:01 I Was Physically Abused, Had Multiple Abortions, but Jesus Healed Me (Testimony) Delafé Testimonies